Our Services

Access our holistic approach to acquiring, managing and growing your real estate assets utilizing our comprehensive array of services. We tailor your investment strategy to match your individual goals and execute at every step with deep expertise.

There for you, Every Step of the Way


Team up with us today to begin your investment journey.


Our wide ranging portfolios of properties, and lead generation techniques, enables us to connect you with the right parties whether you are looking for a purchase, a sale, or an exchange.


We perform the project analysis you need during the purchase process to assist in making the right investments for your goals.


Sometimes properties need work, but don't worry. We will walk you through the design, and construction management process as well.


We have the perfect management team to suit your needs and provide security when working with us.


We have the resources to get you the perfect tenant to lease your property. You won’t need to worry about an empty apartment anymore!


With over 25 years of experience managing exchanges, trust RAM to navigate you through the obstacles of your IRC 1031 Tax exchange or Opportunity Zone transaction.

Investment Calculator

    • Property Summary

    • Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
    • Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
    • Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
    • Annual Expenses

    • Tax Rate

    • Calculated Results

    • Annual Expenses

    • Tax Rate

    • Hidden
    • Cash Flow

      Before Tax Cash Flow

    • After Tax Cash Flow

    • Depreciation Calculation
    • Income

    • After Tax Proceeds From Sale

    • Performance Summary

  • Do you want to discuss this with a broker?