2 Top CRE Trends to Watch in 2023

2 Top CRE Trends to Watch in 2023

For career investors who are interested in continuing to stock their portfolio with reliable, consistent properties that perform well and – like all other real estate – appreciate in value over time while building equity, commercial properties are a...
How To Get Rid of Your Mortgage Insurance

How To Get Rid of Your Mortgage Insurance

There’s no way to escape risk when you’re speaking about real estate. With great risk comes great reward, but also some financial consequences. So long as you’re being smart about it you’re prepared for what’s to come, you should be fine. But, no one wants to pay yet...
How You’re Secretly Voting With Your Home

How You’re Secretly Voting With Your Home

What do elections have in common with horror movies? The mayor in Jaws doesn’t lose his seat and is still the mayor in Jaws 2. And if you somehow haven’t seen at least one of these movies, let me explain the joke: the mayor, an elected official, found it important...
The Interesting Thing About Interest

The Interesting Thing About Interest

Interest helps your wealth grow and it can also keep you in a rut. Without compound interest, assets like your 401k or life insurance policy couldn’t grow exponentially, but it’s also the thing that’s responsible for the rise in gas prices and the overall inflation...